Water Resource Geography

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Through this paper students can visualize the water scarcity on the planet. In this context they will be able to know the availability of potable water, quality of water and cultivation of water.They will be able to learn the management of water resources through GIS and other Remote Sensing techniques as required for this purpose.They will be capable to prepare the project report on Drought & Flood prone area for the benefit of the society.
Unit I: 

Water as a resource to human society:

 Changing perspective in uses of water.

 The Hydrologic Cycle.

 Global Water Balance.

 Water Flow through Aquifers.

 Human Interface on Hydrological Cycle.

 Inventory and Distribution of World’s Water Resources

Unit II: 

Water Availability and Water situation:

 Water uses in rural areas and associated problems

 Water uses in urban areas and associated problems

 Contemporary water wars Global and Indian context

 Water politics in Rajasthan

 Right to water

 Role of Government and NGOs in mitigating water conditions.

Unit III: 

Water Resource Management in India:

 Need and methods for conservation of water resources

 Water Future: Challenges and Strategies Development In India

 National water Policy- Integrated water resource development Action Plan

 Urban surface runoff models: Management and Quality Models.

Unit IV: 

Management of Water Quality

 Water quality and pollution, types and sources of pollution,

 Water quality modeling, environmental guidelines for water quality

Storm Water and Flood Management:

 Storm water management, design of drainage system,

 Flood routing through channels and reservoir, flood control and reservoir operation.

Drought Management:

 Drought assessment and classification, drought analysis techniques, drought mitigation planning.

 Water Conservation and Recycling: Perspective on recycle and reuse, Waste water reclamation

Unit V: 
Application of Advanced Geographical Techniques for Water resources management and Development:
 Spectral properties of water- Geo informatics based site selection for river valley Projects, surface water harvesting structures: check dam and Nala bunds
 Application of remote sensing in hydro geomorphological interpretation for Ground water exploration, Water Quality monitoring through remote sensing.
 Urban Hydrological cycle, urban surface runoff models: Management and Quality Models. GIS applications in water resources development and management.
 Flood and Drought hazard assessment and risk analysis using RS and GIS
Essential Readings: 

 Bhat,LS: Economic Geography Vol-1:Land, Water and Agriculture (Oxford University Press, 2016).

 Gurjar,R.K ; Jat,B.C: Geography of Water Resources (New Delhi, Rawat Publications, 2008)

 Reddy, Srinivasa: Groundwater Governance; Development, Degradation & management (New Delhi, Rawat Publications, 2016)

 Amresh: Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment (Delhi : Swastik Publishers & Distributors, 2011)

 Singh,Gurmel : Manual of Soil and Water(New Delhi, Oxford University Press,2011)

Academic Year: