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The objective of this paper isto enhance the understanding of society and culture using key concepts of geography.

Course Outcomes: 
CO113: Assess the basic concepts of social and economic geography.
CO114: Analyse the evolution of different civilizations.
CO115: Interpret the knowledge about the different perceptions of social and cultural geography and its relation with the environment.
CO116: Acquire Knowledge on different linguistic, racial diversities in the world.
CO117: Analyse the concept of social well- being and settlements.
CO118: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.
 Definition, nature and scope of Social and Cultural Geography.
 Evolution of human beings and society from Pleistocene period to modern period beginning from Africa.
 Introduction to Biological evolution of humans.
 Major Geographic evolution- Africa to India.
 Rise and dominance of Homo sapiens and their distribution on the earth’s surface.
 Beginning of plant domestication, animal domestication and their regions.
 Evolution of civilization: Indus- Saraswati, Mesopotamian, Nile and Hwang Ho with respect to racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic, demographic and organizational characteristics.
 School of cultural determinism,
 Cultural adaptation, assimilation, integration diffusion and Environmental perception.
 Major cultural hearths, realms, and regions of the world, basic similarities and differences.
 Major linguistic families and their distribution in the world.
 Bases of cultural diversity: race, religion, language and nationalism, culture and environment.
 Human settlements: Origin, types, pattern and distribution, westernization, sanskritization and cultural urbanization and cosmopolitization
  • Emerging Issues and Trends in Social Geography:
  • Social Geographies of Inclusion and Exclusion,
  • Slums, Communal Conflicts and Crime
  • Concept of Social Well-Being, Well-being and Gross National Happiness,
  • Quality of Life, HDI, Issues of Health, Education and Gender,
  • Policy and Planning of Social Development in India
Essential Readings: 
 Anderson. J.2009: Understanding Cultural Geography- Places and traces. Routledge, USA.
 Anderson, K, Domosh, M., Pile, S. and Thrift, N. 2003: Handbook of Cultural Geography, Sage Publication, London.
 Ahmad, Aijazuddin, 1999: Social Geography, Rawat Publication, New Delhi.
 Mitchell, D.2000: Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction. Blackwell Publishers, Inc. USA.
 Norton, W. 2006: Cultural Geography: Environments, Landscapes, Identities, Inequalities, Oxford University Press, Toronto.
 Haq, Mahbubul: Reflection on Human Development, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
 Dubey, S.C. 1991: Indian Society. National Book Trust, New Delhi.
 Cox, Peter. R, 1976: Demography, Cambridge University Press.
 Knox, Paul. L, 1975: Social Well Being, A Spatial Perspective, Oxford University Press.
 Ahmad, Aizaddudin, Noin. D, Sharma, H.N, 1997: Demographic Transition: The Third World Scenario, Rawat Publications.
Academic Year: