Practical in Application of Remote Sensing

Paper Code: 
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The student will identify and prepare maps of natural and cultural landscape, understand and apply remote sensing techniques in environment management, natural hazards.
Unit I: 
 Identification and mapping of elements of natural and cultural landscape including topography.
 Drainage, vegetation, settlements, transport networks, land use and field pattern.
 Application of remote sensing in management of environmental problems and natural hazards, such as floods, earthquakes, cyclones, forest fire, and droughts.
Essential Readings: 
Fazal, S. and Rahman, A : Geographic Information System (GIS) Terminology, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
 Heywood, Ian Cornelius, Sarah and Steve Carver.:An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, 2nd ed.,Pearson Education Limited, Toronto, 2006.
 Siddiqui, M.A.: Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, ShardaPustakBhavan, Allahabad, 2006.
 Lo, C.P and Albert K.W.,Yeung: Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, 2nd ed., Pearson Education Inc., Toronto, Canada, 2007.
Academic Year: