This paper will acquaint the students with the global climatic conditions and the oceanic geography.
Composition and Structure of Atmosphere; Insolation; Temperatures: world patterns- July and January, Horizontal and Vertical distribution of atmospheric temperature, Inversion of Temperature; Introduction to Heat budget of the Earth.
Atmospheric pressure belts of the world; corriolis forces (concept and effects), Wind circulation; planetary and local winds; air masses, monsoons and jet streams; clouds, humidity, Types of Rainfall , Air masses
Temperate and tropical cyclones; types and distribution of precipitation; Koppen’s and Thornthwaite’s classification of world climate, concept of micro climatic changes, Global warming.
Introduction to Hydrosphere: Ocean temperature, Salinity of oceans; ocean deposits, coral reefs, ocean movements: waves, currents and tides.
Oceanic relief of the ocean: Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, Marine resources.