Introduction to GIScience (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

  1. The course aim is to give basic understanding of concept of GIScience, its definitions and components; 
  2. To gain working experience collecting data, preparing and handling geographical data;  3. To do analysis and application of geographical data for land use, urban and forest mapping. 



Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at   course level)

Learning & Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title
















Introduction to GIScience

CO67: Explain the concept of GIScience

CO68: Enhance Principles and Uses of GIScience

CO69: Explanations of GIS

Data Structures 

CO70: Analyze GIS Data

CO71: Analysis           and application        of             geographical data for land use, urban and forest mapping. 

CO72: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.



 Approach       in


 Observation, Conduction and Compiling data


 Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning File  work/Report writing,  learning by doing.



Viva, Continuous assessment, Semester  end examinations,

Individual and

Group team work.



Evolution of GIScience, 

Institutions and GI data sharing, 

GIS: Definition and Components  


Global Positioning System (GPS) –

Principles and Uses 



GIS Data Structures: Types (spatial and non-spatial),  Raster and Vector Data Structure. 



GIS Data Analysis: Input;                                                                                   

Geo-Referencing; Editing, Query 



Application of GIS

Land Use Mapping

Urban Sprawl Analysis 

Forests Monitoring 

Geomorphological maps


Essential Readings: 

Essential Readings:

  1. Bhatta, B. (2010.  Analysis of Urban Growth and Sprawl from Remote Sensing. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. 
  2. Burrough, P.A., and McDonnell, R.A. (2000). Principles of Geographical Information System-Spatial Information System and Geo-statistics. UK: Oxford University Press 
  3. Chauniyal,  D.D. (2010). Sudur        Samvedanevam Bhogolik       Suchana            Pranali.

Allahabad, India: ShardaPustakBhawan. 

  1. Jha, M.M. and Singh, R.B. (2008). Land Use: Reflection on Spatial Informatics Agriculture and Development. Delhi, India: Concept Publishing. 
  2. Kumar, D, Singh, R.B. and Kaur, R. (2019). Spatial Information Technology for Sustainable Development Goals. Delhi, India: Springer. 




Suggested Readings:

  1. Heywoods, I., Cornelius, S and Carver, S., (2006). An Introduction to Geographical Information syste.

New Jersey, USA:Prentice Hall. 

  1. Nag, P. (2008). Introduction to GIS. New Delhi, India: Concept India. 
  2. Sarkar, A. (2015). Practical geography: A systematic approach. New Delhi, India: 

Orient Black Swan Private Ltd. 

  1. Singh, R.B. and Murai, S., (1998). Space Informatics for Sustainable Development. New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH.


Academic Year: