Nature, scope and approaches of human geography, branches of human geography, human geography and its relations with social sciences. Ecological and Behavioural approaches in Human Geography.
Thoughts in Human Geography: Pre-Historical period, Medival period and Modern period; Concept of “Determinism, Possiblism and Neo-Determinism”.
Evolution of man, Early Civilizations-Indo Gangatic, Tigris, Euphartis.Race: Bases of racial classification (Physical & Social bases), Griffith Taylor’s Theory of Human race.
Human life & its adaptation to changing environment (Location, Geographical environment, Physical traits Food & clothing, Economic activity):
a) Human life in cold region-ESKIMO, b) Human life in hot region - Pygmy & Bushmen, c) Masais Tribes of Eastern Africa. d) Tribes in India: Bhills, Gond, Naga.
Human Culture: Worlds principal languages and religion, their distribution; Language-Religion & national integration in India; Influence of religion on economic & social life;
Migration: Types of Migration, Causes and effects of migration, Migrations in modern period.
Population: Population growth and distribution, Population - Resource Region and its impact on natural resources