This course offers a critical overview of the field of tourism geography, paying specific attention to the broad dimensions of how places develop into tourist destinations.
Course Outcomes:
CO106: Identify the relation between geography and tourism.
C0107: Evaluate the relation of globalization and tourism and types of tourism.
CO108: Acknowledge case study on chosen tourist site to analyze the impact of tourism and get acquainted with report writing.
CO109: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.
Definition, nature and scope
Relation between geography and tourism,
Factors affecting tourism,
Globalization and tourism,
Tourism development in India.
Eco tourism, Geo tourism, Geo Park, Geo heritage and other types of futuristictourism.
Unit III:
Case Study
Analysis of tourism impacts and report writing including –
Infrastructure and support system for tourism
Economic, social, physical and cultural impacts of tourism
Evaluation of tourism potential
Essential Readings:
Kaul, R. K. (1985): Dynamics of Tourism and Recreation, Inter India, New Delhi.
Pearce, D. (1987): Tourism Today: A Geographical Analysis, Longman Scientific and Technical, New York.
Smith, L. J. S. (2010): Practical Tourism Research, CABI, Wallinford.
Robinson, H. (1996): A Geography of Tourism, Macdonald and Evans, London Das, M. (1999)
Das, M. (1999) India: A Tourist Paradise, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.