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This paper benefits the student in the field of Environment.



Environment and its concepts, Scope and concept of Ecology, Perspective on man environment Relationship, the effect of environment on man: biophysical, perceptional and behavioural ideology, The effect of man on environment: direct and indirect



Population ecology, community ecology, structure, general process of succession: Hydrosere, Xerosere, Mesosere.                          


Ecosystem: biotic and abiotic, concepts of food chain, food web, trophic structure and ecological pyramids, ecological energetic, production consumption and decomposition in an ecosystem; Concept of Biomes of the world (Desert and Grassland).



Environment and Challenge: Environmental pollution-Air, Water, Noise, Soil pollutions with reference to India, Global environmental issues: Global Warming, Global Cooling, climate change.


Environmental Management: Conservation of natural resources, Renewable (forest, wildlife), non renewable (soil and energy), Concept of Environment impact assessment, sustainability.




Essential Readings: 
  1. Arvilla R.: Man and Environment: Crises and strategy of choice. Reguin, Harmondsworth, 1967.
  2. Botking, Daniel B. and Keller, Edward, A.: Environmental Studies, Charles, E. Merril Publishing Company. Columbus, Ohio, 1982.
  3. Chandna R. C., 2002: Environmental Geography, Kalyani, Ludhiana.
  4. Cunninghum W. P. and Cunninghum M. A., 2004: Principals of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications, Tata Macgraw Hill, New Delhi.
  5. Dasman, R. F.: Environmental Conservation, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1972.
  6. Detwyler, J. R.: Man’s Impact on Environment, Wiley &Sons, New York, 1975.
  7. Duffey, E.: Conservation of Nature, Collins, London, 1970.
  8. Edington, J. M. and Edington, M. A.: Ecology and Environmental planning, Chapman an Hall, London, 1977.
  9. Goudie A., 2001: The Nature of the Environment, Blackwell, Oxford.
  10. Harvey, B. and Hallet, J. .: Environment and Society: An introductory analysis, Macmillan, London, 1977.
  11. Hewitt, K. and Hari, F. K.: Man and Environment: A conceptual framework commission on college geography resources paper 20, 1973 (AAG).
  12. Merril, N. J.: Inherit the Earth: The story of man and changing planet, Fawcett, Greenwich, Conneticut, 1967.
  13. Miller G. T., 2004: Environmental Science: Working with the Earth, Thomson Brooks Cole, Singapore.
  14. Odum, E. P. et al, 2005: Fundamentals of Ecology, Ceneage Learning India.
  15. Singh S., 1997: Environmental Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawan. Allahabad.
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