The global terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem, biomass and energy, Food chain and food web and tropic levels
Ecological amplitude
Ecological niches.
Flow of Energy in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Microbial ecology
Biogeochemical cycling of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulfur
Hydrological cycle
Primary and secondary productivity of different ecosystems in the world.
Factors responsible for Environmental Pollutants: (Environmental, Physical, Social and Biological)
Pollutants-Nature of pollutants
Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of pollutants.
Types of Pollution: Air, Noise, Land Pollution, Water Pollution.
Global Warming
Changes in Sea Level.
Unit IV:
State of Environment in Rajasthan:
Contemporary Issues related to environment
Scarce landscape
Depletion of Groundwater
Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) and sustainable development: Concept and implication.
Case study of Rajasthan with reference to textile industry.
Essential Readings:
Abbasi, S.A. 1991, Environmental Imports of Water Resources, Projects Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, pp198.
Agarwal V.P. and Rana SVS.1985 Environmental and Natural Resources, Jenedra Press, Muzzafarnagar, India, pp155.
Allaby, M, 1986, Ecology Facts, Bridge House London, Twickenham Rd, Middlesex, pp192.
Alvares, C. and Billorey, R., 1988, Damming the Narmada, Natraj Publishers, Dehradun. pp 196