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 Students will be able to enhance their knowledge about significance of biogeography and ecosystem including principles of ecology, conservation of biodiversity and geo-biochemical cycles. They will be able to know how distribution Patterns of plants are the result of climatic and geographical conditions and how their evolution of Texan (genus or species) has taken place on the earth surface in different bio geographic regions.Students will be able to distinguish between the factors different kind of factors affecting plants, environment and biomes and learn about how animals evolve and adapt in different environment.They will be able to know how distribution Patterns of animals are the result of climatic and geographical conditions and how their evolution  has taken place on the earth surface in different geographic regions and dispersal of zoo-geographic regions of the world.
Unit I: 
Biogeography and Ecosystem
 Definition, scope and significance of biogeography;
 Basic ecological principles;
 Geo-biochemical cycles: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus cycles;
 Biome and biomass;
 Biodiversity: depletion and conservation
Unit II: 
Plant Geography:
 Scope and Development
 Functioning and development of ecosystem
 Evolution of plants
 Plants and their classification: Climatic
Unit III: 
 Plants and their environment
 Plants and atmospheric factors
 Plants and edaphic factors
 Major biomes of the world: forests, grasslands and deserts
Unit IV: 
 Scope and development
 Evolution of animals
 Environmental adaptations
Unit V: 
 Zoo-geographical regions of the world
 Dispersal of :-
 Mammals
 Birds
 Reptiles
 Anthropogenic effects on animals
Essential Readings: 
 Mandal, R.K.: Biodiversity and Ecology (New Delhi : Discovery Publishing House, 2012)
 Mehtani, Subhash: Biogeography (New Delhi, Common Wealth Publishers; 2010)
 Singh, R.B.: Biogeography and Biodiversity ( New Delhi, Rawat Publications, 2009)
 Munir ; Rahman, Hifzur: Resource Development and Environmental Change Volume (New Delhi, Concept Publishing Company, 2012)
 Harcourt, Alexander H.: Human Biogeography (New Delhi, Rawat Publications, 2012)
Academic Year: