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It is a course designed to enable students to broaden and deepen their understanding of India.

Course Outcomes: 
CO100: Identify the cultural aspect of the Indian society with the entire demographic attribute.
CO101: Evaluate the different aspects of the settlements and different terminology related with urbanization.
CO102: Analyse the modes of transport and the trade related policy.
CO103: Examine the politics of geographic boundaries and basis of Indian federalism.
CO104: Acknowledge the types of hazards which occur all over India. As well as the perspectives of globalization in India.
CO105: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.
Unit I: 
Cultural Setting
Historical Perspective of Indian Society: Racial, linguistic and ethnic diversities.
 Major tribal areas and their problems.
 Growth, distribution and density of population;
 Demographic attributes: sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate, work-force, dependency ratio, longevity;
 Migration (inter-regional, intra- regional and international) and associated problems
 Population problems and policies;
 Health indicators.
Unit II: 
 Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements;
 Morphology of Indian cities;
 Functional classification of Indian cities;
 Conurbations and metropolitan regions; urban sprawl;
 Slums and associated problems;
 Town planning; Problems of urbanization and remedies
Unit III: 
Transport, Communication and Trade:
 Road, railway, waterway, airway and pipeline networks and their complementary roles in regional development
 Growing importance of ports on national and foreign trade
 Trade balance, Trade Policy, Export processing zones
 Developments in communication and information technology and their impacts on economy and society
 Indian space Programme – Weather satellite, Remote Sensing satellite, Communication satellite and Navigation satellites.
Unit IV: 
Political Aspects:
 Geographical basis of Indian federalism;
 State reorganization;
 Emergence of new states;
 Regional consciousness and interstate issues;
 Cross border terrorism;
 India's role in world affairs;
 Geopolitics of South Asia and Indian Ocean realm.
Unit V: 
Contemporary Issues:
 Geo Hazards: landslides, earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods, Desertification, and droughts, epidemics.
 Issues relating to environmental pollution and degradation.
 Linkage of rivers.
 Globalization and Indian economy.
Essential Readings: 
Sharma, T.C: Economic Geography of India (New Delhi, Rawat publications, 2013)
 Singh: A Geography of India (Delhi: Atma Ram and Sons, 2006)
 Sengupta, Smita; Nag, Prithvish; Geography of India (New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 1992)
 Tirtha, Ranjit: Geography of India (New Delhi, Rawat Publications,2008)
 Qazi: Geography of India (Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, 2011)
 Bansal: Geography of India (Hindi- Bharat ka Bhugol) (Meerut: Meenakshi Prakashan, 2004)
 Gautam, Alka: Advanced Geography of India (Allahabad, Sharda PustakBhavan, 2006)
 Khullar, D.R.: India: A Comprehensive Geography (New Delhi, Kalyani Publishers, 2005)
 Deshpande, C.D.: India: a Regional Interpretation (Indian Council of Social Science Research; New Delhi, 1992)
 Singh, Jagdish, 2003. India: A Comprehensive Geography, Radha Publications, Gorakhpur.
 Wolpert, Stanley. 2005. India, 3rd Ed. Berkeley: University of California Press.
 Krishan, Gopal. 2017. The Vitality of India: A Regional Perspective, Rawat Publications.
Academic Year: