Series of Guest Lectures on “Application of Remote Sensing in Geography and Environmental Sciences”

Stereoscopic vision and its conditions Report for the Guest Lecture held in the Department of geography on 28th and 29th of October 2009 A series of guest Lecture held in the Department of Geography on 28th and 29th of October 2009 on the topic entitled “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the field of Geography and other Sciences”. The lecture was delivered by Professor R.D. Doi of the University of Rajasthan. Day One (28/10/09) :First day lecture aimed at exposing the students of Geography and other science faculty aware about the techniques of Remote Sensing and GIS and its application. He explained the process of desertification and its outcome with the help of the study of Morail River Basin in Rajasthan. Day One (28/10/09) : Second Day lecture covered two topics of the theory paper and its corresponding practical for the students of Add on course –‘Certificate Course on Remote Sensing’. The lecture covered the following topics like (i) Stereoscopic vision and its conditions (Study of a Stereoscope and Application of the instrument). (i)Role of Atmospheric windows in remote sensing data analysis. Finally the lecture was followed by the exposure the students regarding the practical use of the instruments stereoscope with the help of a pair of Aerial Photographs.